Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Ultimate Guide to the Diploma of Training Design and Development

The certification of the Diploma of Training Design and Development makes sure that instructional designers and training developers successfully fulfil workplace capability requirements by taking up the responsibility of designing training solutions and analyzing training needs. Such professionals play important roles in guiding and advising assessors and trainers, as well as promoting technologically advanced practices, such as e-learning, and in analyzing training test practices, training programs, and products. 
The opportunities after acquiring TAE50216 diploma are huge, yet one must always go through the complete details before signing up for it.

Aim of the Course

The degree of Diploma of Training Design and Development is a must for those who are actively working in training roles within any organization. It is aimed at candidates carrying responsibilities of designing products and training solutions. It helps the participants in leading assessors and other trainers in their organization, as well as in customizing effective learning methods and assessing strategies in the VET sector.

Duration of the Course

The usual duration of the course is 1 to 2 years, depending upon the knowledge and skills of the candidates.

Course Requirements

It is highly recommended to the candidates interested in completing TAE50216 certification course that they possess the vocational experience required for undertaking the course or have completed TAE40116/TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. It would certainly be easier for those candidates who are already working in the VET sector.

Course Content

The Diploma of Training Design and Development consists of 5 Core Units and 5 Elective Units for better understanding of theoretical as well as practical knowledge. 

Further opportunities

On completion of TAE50216, one can consider acquiring higher qualifications for better employment opportunities and packages. The courses available after the completion of this course are TAE80213 Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Leadership, TAE80316 Graduate Certificate in Digital Education, and TAE80113 Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Practice. All of these certification courses will help any individual in securing a better professional life and career.

Employment Opportunities

Having completed this diploma course, one can apply for many job profiles in the VET sector, some of which has been mentioned below:
  • E-Learning Designer
  • Instructional designer
  • Training Developer
  • Leader of Organizational Trainers and Assessors
  • Mentor to new and fresher Trainers and Assessors
The above-mentioned points will help you in getting detailed knowledge about the TAE50216 certification course. However, before signing up for this course, you should conduct vigorous research on the delivery process and fee structure. Some training centres also provide dual diploma course in Training Design and Development & Vocational Education and Training, for the convenience of the candidates that help in earning more practical knowledge and skills.

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