Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Making a Difference

It is one of my beliefs that all businesses should give back to the community - in no matter how small a way. It would be nice to be like Dame Elizabeth Murdoch and be 100 years of age and still giving back...but until we have that money and that wisdom it is good to do even a little.

Today I did my usual contribution at the Girls in Enterprise conference at CCIWA. 8 women from business talked to the young ladies about what it was like to run a small business. It was interesting in that 3 of the 8 were ex-teachers and all said there was too much focus in schools about making the right decision and getting the right grades. All had done many jobs...and were happy to move on and do something different.

One of the activities was for the young ladies to utilise limited resources (lego) to create a product (tower). They were introduced to skills that will stand them in good stead for their future. And sadly they are skills that are not focused on in formal schooling.

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